Humphreys & Associates

Earned Value: Fun with Numbers or Real Management Data? Part 1

The modern day EVMS engine can provide massive amount of data that often can overwhelm the users. There are some key data points that when developed and reported properly will provide excellent information to the program team so they can focus on the most critical cost/schedule/technical issues.

The most successful EVMS implementations have selected the best data and indices for their programs and use them as a key element in their management tool box.

The following graph depicts a well-balanced selection of Earned Value data that provides key information for making management decisions. How many of the points can you identify and do you know the data each provides? Match each letter with the appropriate terms listed below.

Fun with numbers 1

Check back for the next installment in two weeks for the correct terminology and for a brief description on what they mean in managing your programs. Earned Value: Fun with Numbers or Real Management Data – Answers (Part 2)

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