Who We Are

Humphreys & Associates, Inc. has advocated and promoted the integration of technical, schedule, and cost components to achieve the full benefit of using performance measurement. We have a long tradition of leadership in the industry and providing innovative EVMS processes to apply to project management challenges. We are committed to providing exceptional EVMS consulting services to every client.

H&A is proud of the many veterans who are associates in our company. 50% of our staff, including our founder, are military veterans with a strong work ethic and a “get it done” attitude.

Our Industry Experience

If it flies, swims, goes deep under the water, hovers, blasts out of a tube, or goes into orbit, our associates have been on many of the projects that yielded those capabilities.

H&A’s deep industry experience and knowledge base spans aerospace and defense, engineering, construction, utilities, energy, scientific research, and cutting edge technology in design, development, and production environments. Our consultants have worked with all branches of the US Department of Defense, Department of Energy, NASA, and many other US government agencies. We have supported over 900 companies and government agencies and provided training for nearly 900,000 individuals.

Consulting Services

Humphreys & Associates offers a complete range of EVMS consulting services for the entire project life cycle. From proposal preparation and management, system gap analysis, to mock compliance reviews or third party validations, Humphreys & Associates is the authority on EVMS.

Professional EVMS Evaluation

H&A can evaluate the systems, processes, procedures, practices, and reports currently in place.

H&A can provide the support and expertise to assist you throughout the EVMS Design and Documentation Process, and the EVMS Implementation process.

H&A can provide in-house support to assist your team, on cost, schedule, and risk management to assist contractors to develop, enhance, or maintain an integrated master schedule, performance measurement baseline, or estimate to complete.

H&A can provide our proven training throughout the process.


Whether you are just getting started with earned value management or are ready to shift in high gear, we can be your partner to plan and execute complex projects. Contact us today.

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