Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) Publishes the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) Data Item Description (DID)
This is important, new information for companies with U.S. Department of Defense EVMS contractual requirements.
The Department of Defense Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR), Data Item Description (DID), DI-MGMT-81861, replaces the Contract Performance Report (CPR) DID, DI-MGMT-81466A, and the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) DID, DI-MGMT-81650.
The IPMR DID can be downloaded from the ASSIST database: IPMR ASSIST document
The IPMR DID will apply to new contracts and may be applied to follow on contracts, subject to negotiation with the government customer.
In summary:
- The IPMR DID combines the CPR and IMS DIDs into one. The intent is to emphasize the integration of the schedule and cost data for performance reporting.
- CPR Formats 1 to 5 are now the IPMR Formats 1 to 5. There are a few content changes for Formats 1 to 5 which are mostly confined to Format 3. The Baseline Changes (Block 6.b.) row columns have been opened up for change detail content.
- The Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) becomes IPMR Format 6. There are additional schedule data elements that are required including specific data coding details.
- A new Format 7 has been added for time phased cost data (historical and future time periods). Format 7 is an annual submission.
- The electronic data delivery format for the OSD EVM Central Repository is changing from the ANSI X12 standard to the UN/CEFACT XML standard. Additional information about the XML data submittal instructions is available on the OSD EVM Central Repository website.
We highly recommend being prepared to support the new IPMR DID as it will impact existing EVM Systems. It will be necessary to reference the old and new terms and forms. Existing contracts will be against older DID requirements (unless otherwise negotiated with the client) and new contracts will be against the IPMR DID.
Be prepared to update:
- Training materials to reflect the updated cost Formats 1 to 5 as well as discuss the new Format 6 and 7.
- System Description and Storyboard text as well as example formats and/or artifacts.
- Procedures or project directives that specify schedule data coding requirements and related details necessary to produce the required IMS data for submission to the OSD EVM Central Repository.
- Desktop instructions for producing the cost IPMR Formats 1 to 5 as well as the new Format 7.
- Software toolset outputs and electronic deliverables.
- Contractor self-surveillance and subcontractor surveillance materials.
Most cost and schedule software vendors are aware of the IPMR data requirements. You may want to check with your toolset vendor of choice to see when they plan to have software updates available to support the IPMR DID and the UN/CEFACT XML data submissions to the OSD EVM Central Repository.
Humphreys & Associates is available for consulting on this topic. Contact us for more information.
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