2 thoughts on “Planning and Managing EVM by Elements of Cost (EOC) Example: Building a Backyard Patio – Part 1”

  1. I have a question regarding your article, “Planning and Managing by Elements of Cost”. I agree with the statement about breaking apart the different elements of cost by work package when planning, especially in regards to setting up an EVT at the work package level, i.e. the budget. However, in your example, how would you determine a, “serious overrun in material” and determine whether it is concrete or lumber, unless you set up a charge code for each work package? Are you advocating for charge codes at the work package level versus the control account level? Or do you have some other way to differentiate the actual costs below a control account other than separate charge codes?

    1. Humphreys & Associates

      I have a question regarding your article, “Planning and Managing by Elements of Cost”. I agree with the statement about breaking apart the different elements of cost by work package when planning, especially in regards to setting up an EVT at the work package level, i.e. the budget.

      We cite that because it is the most common approach to achieving segregation by Element of Cost (EOC).

      However, in your example, how would you determine a, “serious overrun in material” and determine whether it is concrete or lumber,

      Concrete and lumber would have a separate code from each other within the material Element of Cost (EOC). This segregation can be achieved whether it is approached within/underneath a work package or as a separate work package – but it must be achieved.

      unless you set up a charge code for each work package? Are you advocating for charge codes at the work package level versus the control account level? Or do you have some other way to differentiate the actual costs below a control account other than separate charge codes?

      See above.

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