The updated DoD Earned Value Management System Interpretation Guide (EVMSIG), dated February 18, 2015 was released in March, 2015.
This DoD update, per the GAO, focuses on “(1) problems facing the cost/schedule control system (CS2) process; (2) progress DOD has made with reforms; and (3) challenges DOD faces in fostering and managing potentially significant changes”.
The update commences with:
1.1 Purpose of Guide
Earned Value Management (EVM) is a widely accepted industry best practice for program management that is used across the Department of Defense (DoD), the Federal government, and the commercial sector. Government and industry program managers use EVM as a program management tool to provide joint situational awareness of program status and to assess the cost, schedule, and technical performance of programs for proactive course correction. An EVM System (EVMS) is the management control system that integrates a program’s work scope, schedule, and cost parameters for optimum program planning and control. To be useful as a program management tool, program managers must incorporate EVM into their acquisition decision-making processes; the EVM performance data generated by the EVMS must be timely, accurate, reliable, and auditable; and the EVMS must be implemented in a disciplined manner consistent with the 32 EVMS Guidelines prescribed in Section 2 of the Electronic Industries Alliance Standard-748 EVMS (EIA-748) (Reference (a)), hereafter referred to as “the 32 Guidelines.”
The DoD EVMS Interpretation Guide (EVMSIG), hereafter referred to as “the Guide”, provides the overarching DoD interpretation of the 32 Guidelines where an EVMS requirement is applied. It serves as the authoritative source for EVMS interpretive guidance and is used as the basis for the DoD to assess EVMS compliance to the 32 Guidelines in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Subpart 234.2 and 234.201 (References (b) and (c)). The Guide provides the DoD Strategic Intent behind each guideline as well as the specific attributes required in a compliant EVMS. Those attributes are the general qualities of effective implementation that are tested in support of determining EVMS compliance as it relates to the 32 Guidelines. As applicable, the DoD Strategic Intent section may clarify where differences in guideline interpretation exist for development and production type work. DoD agencies and organizations charged with conducting initial and continuing EVMS compliance activities will establish amplifying agency procedures and/or guidance to clarify how they are implementing this Guide to include the development of evaluation methods for the attributes associated with each of the 32 Guidelines.
1.2 EVM Policy
The Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 (Reference (d)), the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 34.2 and Part 52 (References (e) through (h)) require federal government agency contractors to establish, maintain, and use an EVMS that is compliant with the 32 Guidelines on all major capital asset acquisitions. Based on these federal regulations and the DoD Instruction 5000.02 (DoDI 5000.02) (Reference (i)), the DoD established the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 234.201 (Reference (c)), which prescribes application of an EVMS, via the DFARS 252.234-7002 EVMS clause (Reference (j)). When EVM reporting is contractually required, the contractor must submit to the government an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) (DI-MGMT-81861) (Reference (k)) to report program cost and schedule performance data. The IPMR is being phased in to replace the Contract Performance Report (CPR) (DI-MGMT-81466) and the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) (DI-MGMT-81650). Hereafter, for simplicity purposes, the term “IPMR” is used to reference legacy or current CPR/IMS DIDs. There are times in this Guide when the IMS reference is to an output of the contractor’s internal management system, i.e., a work product, which may not be referred to in the same context as the IPMR. [The full EVMSIG update is found here.]
Furthermore, also in March, 2015 the GAO released its “Report to the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives: Defense Acquisition | Better Approach Needed to Account for Number, Cost, and Performance of Non-Major Programs”.
An overview:
The Department of Defense (DOD) could not provide sufficiently reliable data for GAO to determine the number, total cost, or performance of DOD’s current acquisition category (ACAT) II and III programs (GAO-15-188 “Better Approach Needed to Account for Number, Cost, and Performance of Non-Major Programs” overview). These non-major programs range from a multibillion dollar aircraft radar modernization program to soldier clothing and protective equipment programs in the tens of millions of dollars. GAO found that the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of DOD’s data on these programs were undermined by widespread data entry issues, missing data, and inconsistent identification of current ACAT II and III programs. See the figure below for selected data reliability issues GAO identified. [The full GAO-15-188 document is found here.]
Your blog is referring to the DCMA EVMIG as having been updated in March of 2015. The document released in MArch is the DCMA EVMS Interpretation Guide. This is different than the EVMIG which is the implementation guide that contains the FAR/DFAR requirements for implementing and EVMS not interpreting the guidelines. Thought I would let you know!
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