2 thoughts on “EVM: Is DCMA A Contractor’s “Friend or Foe?””

  1. Good article. After 37 years as a contractor and 5 years as a consultant, I have witnessed the relationship with DCMA mismanaged more often than not by contractors. Often it is not the fault of the EVM Leader but the Executives and especially Program Manager. This is a true case of the often referenced practice of walk the talk being poorly executed. The program and the DCMA must see company and program leadership “using” EVM as an essential and often used tool to run their program. This is how an EVM culture is built and maintained. Memos, Letters and especially a Level III CAR would not be a routine event, but a very loud warning of our program potentially crashing and burning. Final note; the DCMA gains nothing and in fact is also hurt by the failure of a program under their surveillance. Remember that whenever you have an opportunity to listen and contemplate their observations.

  2. i would have to say they are more of a foe than they are a freind. they make it extrememly difficult to work with them vs the private sector. were actaully going after more commercial work now becuse dcma seems to find something everytime to delay delivery.

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