earned value management procedure

Earned Value Management: How Much Is Enough?

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How Much EVMS Is Enough

I took the scenic route to selecting the theme of this blog. First, it was suggested that I write a blog on the benefits and costs of the earned value process as it applies to program management. Next it was suggested that I describe the harm of not using any of the elements of the earned value process.

In the case of the benefits and costs of the earned value management process, it would be difficult to improve upon Dr. Christensen’s 1998 paper on this heading or to attempt to improve other papers and studies done by Wayne Abba, Gary Humphreys, Gary Christle, Coopers & Lybrand and others. So I will not make citations to these past studies. Rather I will leave them undisturbed, as the monuments they have become.

This blog will summarize my observations of how companies have chosen “how much EVM is enough” for them and share my observations of the results of these decisions. Each company has selected an EVM implementation strategy and each company’s strategy falls along a bounded continuum.

I will describe this continuum of company EVM strategies with a left hand and a right hand goal post, and the space between as a cross bar. The “left hand goal post” represents companies that elect to be very poor at EVM or to not use EVM at all. The “right hand goal post” represents companies that have committed to being “best-in-class” practitioners of the EVM process and are the polar opposite of the companies at the left hand goal post. There are few companies at either the left or right hand goal posts. The “cross bar” represents the vast majority of companies that have selected an EVM strategy somewhere between the left and right goal posts.

Two Goal Posts And A Cross Bar; Recalcitrant, Merely Compliant, Efficiently Expert

There are as many strategies to earned value management as there are companies using EVM to manage their programs and projects.

Left Goal Post; The Recalcitrant

I have firsthand experience with a company, that at the time I initially joined them and had decided to ignore earned value management even though it was a requirement in several of its contracts. After many painful years of attempting to maintain this recalcitrant EVM strategy, this company decided that a better strategy would be to become “efficiently expert” at EVM.

Cross Bar; Merely Compliant at EVM

It has been my experience that most companies desire to “become EVM compliant,” which generally means being compliant to the 32 guidelines and not failing those guidelines so as to be de-certified. This is the vast middle ground between the two goal posts. I will now share five observations regarding companies in the “cross bar” majority.

Observation #1: Compliance As A Goal; Golf and EVM

Compliance should be a “given,” or a “pre-condition,” not a “goal.” Remaining merely compliant implies a status quo or static posture.

I will use the game of golf as an analogy. Golf is a game of honor and compliance to well established rules. All PGA professional tour golfers “comply” with the rules that govern golf. Although all PGA tour pro golfers comply with these rules, their performance on tour differs dramatically.

Fifty-three percent of all PGA golf pros, past and present, have no tour wins. That means only 47% of all PGA tour golf pros have won at least a single PGA tour. There are seven players in the history of the PGA that have fifty or more tour wins. If the bar is lowered to forty or more wins, only three players are added to the list. If the bar is lowered yet again to thirty or more tour wins, only eight more players are added to the list. Only 18 golfers have won 30 or more PGA tournaments.

Professional golfers do not confuse compliance with performance, nor do these professionals assume that “being compliant” will improve their performance.

Observation #2: “The Tyranny of The Status Quo”

With apologies to Milton Friedman and his book of the same name, companies that attempt to maintain mere guideline compliance will do no better than the status quo, and more often than not, regress toward non-compliance. Maintaining status quo is a myth – you either improve or regress.

All professionals, companies included, must compete in their markets and selected fields. To succeed in this competition requires constant improvement in areas critical to success. A company, organization, or individual without the means or the desire to improve will eventually fail and perhaps perish.

Observation #3: Blaming The Scoreboard

As a program manager, I considered EVM as my scoreboard. I reacted to the EVM data – the scoreboard – and made decisions based on that data (GL #26).

I recall the 2014 Super Bowl’s final score: Patriots 28, Seahawks 24. Did the scoreboard cause the Seahawks to lose the game or did a poor decision by their coach cause the loss? Imagine a coach that cannot see the scoreboard. That coach does not know the score or how much time remains. That coach cannot react to the realities of the game.

Observation #4: EVM Causes Poor Program Performance

I have witnessed several company leaders assert that the use of EVM on a poorly performing program is the cause of that program’s poor cost and schedule performance. A correlation between two variables, or a sequence of two variables (use of EVM and poor performance), does not imply that one caused the other. This is the logical fallacy known as “X happened, then Y happened, therefore X caused Y.” Night follows day, but day does not cause night. Use of EVM does not cause poor program performance. Not reacting to EVM data and promptly taking corrective action with your program’s cost and schedule performance often leads to poor outcomes.

Observation #5: It Takes More Energy To Be Poor At EVM Than To Be Expert

Returning to the earlier golf analogy, professional golfers make very difficult shots appear easy. I played in one pro/am tournament years ago. The pro I was teamed with took me to the range hours before our tee time. He asked me how many balls I hit before each round. I told him sometimes none and sometimes 50. He hit 1,000 balls before our round. When we finished our round, he was ready for another 18 holes. I was not. Both of us “complied” with the rules of golf. His score was significantly lower than mine. His game was effortless and produced a below par score. My game was labored and produced a poor result.

And so it is with EVM or any other process. The better you are at a skill, the easier it becomes. Experts consume far fewer calories at their craft than ambivalent amateurs.

Right Goal Post; Efficiently Expert At EVM

The polar opposite of a recalcitrant strategy to EVM is a strategy to become “efficiently expert.” As I mentioned earlier, I joined a company that attempted to sustain a recalcitrant EVM strategy. Their recalcitrant EVM strategy led to de-certification, large dollar withholdings, and significant damage to their corporate reputation.

After the most ardent EVM recalcitrants in this company “sought employment elsewhere,” a new strategy was adopted. This company embraced a strategy to become “best-in-class” as expert practitioners of EVM. This company’s goal was EVM perfection. EVM perfection is an impossible ambition, but wiser than “mere compliance.” And as with the PGA tour golf pro, EVM became nearly effortless.

Which EVM strategy will your company choose?


Robert “Too Tall” Kenney
H&A Associate

Earned Value Management: How Much Is Enough? Read Post »

EVM for Biotech and Pharma – Part I Implementation and Training

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Updated December 13, 2017


EVM for Biotech and PharmaAs you know, the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) is a management process with characteristics that are absolutely logical to manage projects whether there is an external customer or not. The EVMS is also required by the Federal Government on DOD, DOE, FAA, NSA, DOT, DOJ, NASA, etc. contracts over $20M.

With the phasing in of the Affordable Health Care Act and recent funding for research and preparation in the event of bio-terrorism, other branches of the Government, such as Health and Human Services (HHS) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), are becoming more involved in the healthcare sector. Implementing and using EVMS is a baseline requirement for biotech and pharmaceutical firms awarded large contracts by the Federal Government.

This will require companies and universities that receive funding to understand and implement Earned Value Management and that key project personnel, including management and executives, will require high quality Earned Value Training.

Why EVM and Government Contracts

Earned Value Management has been used since the 1960’s and has become the standard by which the Government measures and evaluates the management and reporting processes on projects awarded to contractors. Initially, it was implemented on projects; such as the development of satellites, long-range missiles, fighter aircraft, etc., but has become the US Government’s gold standard to manage the technical, schedule and cost progress of projects and to identify and manage risk and opportunities.

In order for defense contractors to be eligible for large contracts, they are required to follow the 32 Guidelines of the EIA-748-C which can entail system design and development and a substantial learning curve. Earned Value Management company-wide training and proper implementation becomes critical for project efficiency, future funding and to meet Government requirements.

Integral to EVM are the uses of the Integrated Master Plan (IMP)/Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) and risk and opportunity management.  The Integrated Master Schedule is the basis for developing the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) which in turn, is the basis for measuring performance on a project.   Measurement of progress against the baseline provides early identification of problems and helps to identify and mitigate costs and risks, while also identifying opportunities, by implementation of appropriate corrective actions.

Earned Value Management Systems for Project Management

The basic concept of the Earned Value Management System is more than a unique project management technique.  The EIA-748-C contains 32 Guidelines that define a set of requirements that a contractor’s management system must meet. The objectives of an EVMS are:

  •  Relate time phased budgets to specific contract tasks and/or statements of work
  • Relate technical, schedule and cost performance information
  • Furnish valid, timely and auditable data/information for proactive management action and decision making
  • Provide the basis to capture work progress assessments against the baseline plan to facilitate realistic project costs and completion dates
  • Supply managers with a practical level of summarization for effective decision making

Once a contractor’s EVM System is designed and implemented, there are significant benefits to the contractor and to the customer:

  • Contractor benefits include increased visibility and control to quickly and proactively respond to issues which makes it easier to meet project technical, schedule, and cost objectives
  • Customer benefits include confidence in the contractor’s ability to manage the project, early problem identification, and objective rather than subjective contract cost and schedule status

Earned Value Management Training

Experienced project managers will tell you that understanding the scope, schedule and costs of a project is essential to its success. The primary objective of the EVMS is to ensure that all elements of a project are planned, authorized, managed, and controlled in a consistent and cost-effective manner.  There is an increasing demand for training for organizations beyond the traditional aerospace and defense related construction, software, research and development, and production environment to now include non-defense companies to implement and use the Earned Value Management System.

EVM for Biotech and Pharma

Biotech and Pharma companies are not strangers to dealing with government regulations and requirements. Most have gone through rigorous Food and Drug Administration (FDA) processes to receive approval of compounds and/or devices. Nonetheless, learning how to design and use an EVM system can take a considerable investment of time and money, but is an essential requirement for initial and ongoing funding.

In addition to the EIA-748-C, there are numerous documents that give direction regarding the implementation and use of an EVM system.  Some of these are the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Integrated Program Management Division (IPMD) EIA-748 Intent Guide, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), Data Item Descriptions (DID), Military Standards (MIL-STD) such as MIL-STD-881, the Earned Value Management System Interpretation Guide (EVMSIG), and many others.  We have helped many organizations to ensure that they do not overkill or underkill based on their desired management system characteristics.  H&A personnel understand the requirements and are able to “size” those requirements to meet company and customer requirements.

Although Biotech and Pharma are relatively recent industries to use EVM, Humphreys & Associates (H&A) has been providing Earned Value Management training and implementation services for over 35 years. H&A provides self-paced online, classroom and private training courses, and can assist in all aspects of Earned Value Management Implementation.

For more information about EVM training or support, or with questions about your company’s requirements, please contact the Humphreys & Associates corporate office.

EVM for Biotech and Pharma – Part I Implementation and Training Read Post »

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