Establishing a Robust EVMS Self-Governance Process

October 1, 2023 EVMS

Discover how H&A’s expertise in EVMS self-governance processes transformed TRIAD’s approach to compliance.

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Formal Reprogramming: OTB or OTS Best Practice Tips

September 1, 2023 Corrective Action Request (CAR)

Understand Over Target Baseline (OTB)/Schedule (OTS) & their application. Learn about Formal Reprogramming causing OTB/OTS, a rare event. Comply with contracts & gov’t EVMS to prevent Corrective Action Requests (CARs). Save resources by avoiding unnecessary fixes.

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Introduction to the IPMDAR Data Deliverable – Tips for Producing the Outputs

August 10, 2023 EVM Consulting

Are you preparing to bid on a proposal or implement an EVMS? This blog guides you through the requirements for producing a validated IPMDAR.

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Comparing the Efficacy of Independent Estimate at Completion (IEAC) Methods Using Real Project Data

July 1, 2023 Earned Value Management System (EVMS)

H&A is studying the accuracy of Independent EAC (IEAC) formulae in evaluating contractors’ EACs. Seeking PMs assistance to compare real IEACs.

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Tips for Producing an Earned Value Management System Description

June 1, 2023 Earned Value Management System (EVMS)

Learn the importance of an EVM System Description and explore approaches to create one. Discover pros and cons of single vs. multiple documents.

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Using Earned Value Management (EVM) Performance Metrics for Evaluating EACs

May 1, 2023 Earned Value Management (EVM)

Evaluate the realism of an Estimate at Completion (EAC) in project management using the Cost Performance Index (CPI) and the TCPI.

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