September 3, 2018
Earned Value Management (EVM)
Tendency Toward Misjudgment – Part 3 Are Your People Being Manipulated? In part 1 and part 2 of this topic we learned about Charles (Charlie) T. Munger, Vice Chairman of Berskshire Hathaway and partner of Warren Buffet, and his listing of 25 innate human tendencies toward misjudgment that we harbor. In those two blogs we […]
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August 15, 2018
Control Account Manager (CAM)
Is DCMA A Contractor’s “Friend or Foe?” I’ll answer this provocative question now. DCMA, local and headquarters, are an EVM contractor’s “friend” with remarkable, but not unlimited, patience. When required, DCMA can become the contractor’s “tough love” friend. DCMA and the contractor share the same interests – successful contract performance. DCMA is part of a […]
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